TOMES is a dynamic media platform; as dynamic as we believe people are.

Powered by VAGUEa virtual community of over 500 creatives and consumers alike working to drive culture and innovate creative collaboration currently across four continents — TOMES encompasses all of the community’s independent content publishing.

From in-house editorial and film productions to think-pieces, TOMES was designed to share our members’ unique perspectives, spark dialogue within the community, and both inform and reflect how young people are navigating this increasingly chaotic world with a focus on slow, thoughtful publishing.

These TOMES are our stories.

Who we are

Founded by a family of Black artists, led by a young diverse international team, and driven by design principles, VAGUE operates as a hybrid creative agency and think tank for young people, by young people. Through the VAGUE Portal, we seek to connect creatives across industries, from design and software development to visual arts and strategy, with purpose-driven clients such as Entertainment One and the Royal Exchange Theatre, as well as engaged audiences for networking, research, storytelling, and discussion.

VAGUE FACES by Suji So & Karina So.jpg