Definition of a Man

What does it mean to be a man today? Abhishek ponders through poetry…

Digital painting of a male figure with blood red and green aural emanating from his head, heart and pelvis

You are not a man.

For you to express emotions so openly and without fear, how dare you?

When you feel sad, you weep.

When you feel happy, you laugh.

When you are angry, you rage.

When you are let down, you let it all out.

When you feel wronged, you confront.

When you are in awe, you gasp.

When you are confused or lost, you admit it.

When you’re scared or feeling weak, you bare it all.


How dare you?


You act on your feelings.

You admit when you are wrong.

You wear your heart on your sleeve.

You do not hide behind a tough shell or a fake mask.

You say ‘I love you’, and mean it.

You cry when you’re at a loss.

You keep your ego and pride separated.

You embrace any and every fall.

You are not a man.

For a man should be strong even in uncertainty.

He should look tough even in the face of loss.

A man is to smile through all the pain,

He must never let a single tear fall.

He is to keep his feelings to himself,

A man must argue and never admit to his faults.

A man erases heartbreak and grief within seconds

He does not wince even at physical scars.

A man is not allowed to be open and honest,

His ego must always precede above all.


Why, you ask?


For a man who is expressive, humble or effeminate,

Is certainly no “man” at all.

For a man to unlock his heart, and keep it so,

Is the greatest sin of all.

For a man like you or me,

Is no “man” at all.

Projections and the importance of self reflections. View yourself from a perspective of detachment and curiosity rather than judging your actions which can be rather overwhelming.
— A Statement from the Artist, Suji So


words — abhishek sharma

art — suji so.

Abhishek Sharma

"He's reading your article, proof-reading it thrice. Abhishek's our top Editor, half-assed content just will not suffice."

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